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Outcome Assessment Tools: Acute vs. Chronic vs. Maintenance/Wellness

  • Eastern Time Live-Stream (map)

Outcome Assessment Tools: Acute vs. Chronic vs. Maintenance/Wellness
8 CE Hours Available Live
Plus…4 CE hours online for Risk Management

This class will be a presented as a live-stream seminar using the Zoom platform. To attend as a live-stream, you will connect via the internet at your home or office and see everything as you would in the seminar. The Monday before the seminar, you will receive an email with the instructions and links to log into the program on the seminar date.

The Indiana Board has implemented a new rule that allows only 8 hours of CE in 1 day. Because of this, we have put together a new 4 hour Risk Management program online. Anyone registering for this seminar will be sent the new Risk Management seminar for free. You may take the online risk management seminar any time other than the date of this seminar and receive 4 hours of Risk Management for Indiana. Indiana is accepting online hours this year.

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"Chiropractic: It Works."

That was enough for a long time, but Chiropractic practice today demands more. Regardless of your practice style or philosophy, outcome assessments are the universal language of health care.

Outcome assessments are the gold standard of justification for treatment; whether that be at an elevated interval due to acute pain or dysfunction or at a reduced interval with minimal pain but persistent dysfunction.

Outcome assessments bridge that gap and justify care within the very diverse chiropractic community, reviewers, payors, insurance companies, judges and juries. Being well versed and able to utilize them is essential for patient care in the 21st century.

Dr. Darrach will review the different types of assessment tools beside Oswestry and NDI: what they mean and how to incorporate them into your everyday practice. Acute vs Chronic vs Maintenance/Wellness. Confusing these can put chiropractors at risk during post payment audits. Learn how to transition between each.

8 CE Hours Available Live - 4 CE hours for Risk Management Available online

CE Hours Approved For:
Illinois (informal)

$0 - Doctor Program Members
$269 - Non-Member DCs CE Brokers #: 20-773317
$199 - Non DCs
$0 - Chiropractic Students

*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program members.

Registration Cost:
Name(s) of Attendee
License #